

At European Research for Development Policies, our mission is to support evidence-based policymaking and enhance the effectiveness of development policies at the international, regional, and country levels. We strive to foster a vibrant and inclusive platform where policymakers, researchers, NGOs, and thought leaders can come together, exchange knowledge, and develop innovative solutions to tackle pressing development issues.

Why Evidence-Based Policymaking?

We firmly believe that evidence-based policymaking is essential for achieving sustainable and inclusive development. By relying on rigorous research, data analysis, and insights from practitioners, policymakers can make informed decisions that lead to tangible outcomes and positive impact. Evidence-based policymaking enables us to understand complex challenges, identify effective strategies, and address the root causes of development issues.

Promoting Collaboration and Dialogue

We recognize the power of collaboration and dialogue in driving meaningful change. Our organization serves as a catalyst for connecting policymakers and the research community, creating spaces for engagement, knowledge sharing, and collective problem-solving. By fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders, we leverage their expertise, experiences, and perspectives to develop innovative and context-specific solutions.

Through our collaborative platforms, such as the European Report on Development and Policy and Research Workshops for Development, we facilitate open and constructive discussions. These interactions enable participants to learn from each other, challenge assumptions, and co-create strategies that address the complexities of development challenges.

The European Report on Development

The European Report on Development is at the heart of our mission. It provides a comprehensive platform for in-depth analysis, insights, and evidence-based recommendations on a wide range of development topics. The report synthesizes the latest research, engages with experts from various fields, and captures the perspectives of policymakers and practitioners.

Through the European Report on Development, we aim to bridge the gap between research and policymaking. By distilling complex research findings into accessible and actionable recommendations, we empower policymakers to make informed decisions that have a lasting and positive impact on development outcomes.

Policy and Research Workshops for Development

Our Policy and Research Workshops for Development serve as vibrant forums for dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. These workshops bring together policymakers, researchers, NGOs, and thought leaders to explore emerging development challenges, share practical experiences, and collectively devise innovative approaches and solutions.

Through interactive sessions, participants engage in lively discussions, debate ideas, and co-create strategies that are context-specific and responsive to local needs. The workshops provide a valuable opportunity for stakeholders to learn from each other, build networks, and forge partnerships that transcend traditional boundaries.

Embracing Inclusivity and Diversity

We believe that inclusive development policies can only be achieved by considering a wide range of voices and experiences. We actively promote inclusivity and diversity in our work, seeking perspectives from different regions, disciplines, and sectors. By embracing diverse viewpoints, we foster an environment that encourages innovation, challenges conventional thinking, and leads to more effective and equitable development outcomes.

Making an Impact

Ultimately, our mission is driven by the desire to make a meaningful impact on development policies and practices. We strive to ensure that our work translates into tangible outcomes that improve the lives of individuals and communities across the globe. We measure our success not only by the quality of our research and analysis but also by the real-world changes that result from our recommendations and collaborations.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

We invite policymakers, researchers, practitioners, NGOs, and thought leaders from around the world to join us in our mission. Together, we can create a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future. Explore our website, engage with our resources, participate in our workshops, and contribute your expertise to shape the development policies of tomorrow.